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In May 2016 the best market conditions were in the finance and insurance market

In May 2016 the best market conditions were in the finance and insurance market

Dodano: 2016-05-31
Publikator: The Central Statistical Office of Poland

As the results of the Central Statistical Office of Poland’s research in May 2016 show the insurance and finance branch were the best appraised types of business. For the insurance and finance sector the index of general market conditions stayed at a level of plus 24.8 (the month before it was plus 21.6). 28.3 % of companies which took part in the research have noted an improvement of market conditions and 3.5% of respondents indicated its deterioration. Others respondents said that the economic situation did not undergo changes.

The index of market conditions in the shipment and logistic sector was on a level of plus 7.1. Improvement was noticed in 17.9% of companies which participated in the research. Deterioration of economic situation in this sector was at a level of 10.8. In others companies their business outlook was stable.

In the sector of accommodation and gastronomy the general market conditions index was at a level of 11.9. 20.6% of researched companies noted an improvement of market conditions, but 8.7% of respondents were in a worse situation.

In the sector of information and communication, the general market conditions index ran at a level of plus 15.3. 22.3% of firms noted an improvement of their business outlook. A deterioration was indicated only by 7% of companies from this sector. For 70% of respondents their companies’ economic situation was on the same level.

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