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Insurance against hate

Insurance against hate

Dodano: 2021-09-24

When parents buy a policy for their child, they most often look at benefits for injury and medical reimbursement. However, legal protection insurance against hate on the internet is becoming more and more popular.

A survey conducted for UNIQA Polska shows that 85 percent of parents already decide to buy school insurance. In connection with this, insurers are increasingly extending their offers. The growing risk of cyber threats has contributed to the development of a new insurance – insurance against hate on the internet.

The insurance against hate assists if a child’s good name or right to privacy is violated in the Internet area, primarily in social media. It covers, among other things, legal and psychological assistance for the child. In case someone shares information, comments, or photos that violate the child’s good name, the insurer will organize and cover the costs of legal assistance. Additionally, the assistance of an IT specialist to block or remove content from the Internet is included in the policy.

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