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Insurance crime in 2017

Insurance crime in 2017

Dodano: 2018-12-04

Polish insurers deal with insurance crime detection better. It is the main finding from the newest Polish Insurance Association’s report about insurance crime. 

In 2017 insurers detected more than 11k attempts of compensation and benefit fraud. Their value was more than PLN 225 mln. The majority of these cases were discovered on the first stage of committing an insurance crime.

The average value of fraud in the life insurance sector amounts to PLN 20k. The most common cases are false claims for the death of an insured person. Last year many cases were connected with health insurance.

In the non-life insurance sector the average value of fraud was PLN 19k. The most common criminal trials were from the car insurance sector, where fraudulent claims amounted to PLN 138 mln.   

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