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Insurance for consumer electronics from Allegro

Insurance for consumer electronics from Allegro

Dodano: 2022-12-07

Allegro is introducing insurance for consumer electronics purchased on the platform. The service is called Allegro Care and the protection provider is Ergo Hestia.

The insurance comes in several variants and provides protection in the event of:

  • post-warranty breakdown (extended warranty);
  • accidental damage;
  • theft.

If the equipment needs to be repaired, the insurance allows the customer to order a visit of a specialist or a courier. The latter will deliver the damaged equipment to the service centre and later the repaired equipment to the customer. In the case when the equipment cannot be repaired for any reason or is stolen, the insurer will reimburse the cost of new equipment.

In order for an item to be insured, its price must be between PLN 200 and PLN 300,000, and the decision to purchase the policy can only be taken at the time of purchasing the product. The premium for the cover is added to the price of the product – the payment for the item goes to the seller and the payment for the insurance, to the insurer.

If you cancel the purchase of the item, proceed as you would for any other return. The seller will refund the transaction and a request for withdrawal from a contract of insurance will be forwarded to the insurer.

Insurance is available in selected subcategories of the Electronics section, and the interested party will see information that insurance can be purchased for the selected item after adding the product to the cart, in the delivery and payment form. After clicking „add”, the available insurance variants will be displayed.

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