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Insurance Guarantee Fund provides full access to MTPL and car insurance history

Insurance Guarantee Fund provides full access to MTPL and car insurance history

Dodano: 2018-09-25
Publikator: Insurance Guarantee Fund

The Insurance Guarantee Fund (UFG) has launched a new motor insurance service. A person who registers in the UFG’s base may find there information about his history of motor insurance.

The UFG made available data from its database about motor insurance. Thanks to this solution drivers may check such information as the name of insurers which protected them, terms of their policy validity, their motor policy numbers and amount of damages.

“We extended the scale of data which car owners may check in our database, which meets drivers’ expectations. Earlier they found online information about their car policies from the last 5 years. Currently they may check data from all their motor insurance”, Elżbieta Wanat-Połeć, the CEO of UFG explained.  

Registration to the database is free. The update also contains data in English and German.

Polish insurers use the UFG database to estimate an MTPL premium for their new clients. So it is important to check the data assembled on the base. Drivers who have doubts about the veracity of data should clarify it with the insurer which issued a policy.

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