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Insurance Guarantee Fund: the damage rate in MTPL segment was 3.2% in Q1 2017

Insurance Guarantee Fund: the damage rate in MTPL segment was 3.2% in Q1 2017

Dodano: 2017-06-13

As the Insurance Guarantee Fund reported, in Q1 2017 the average frequency of damage in the MTPL segment decreased a little in comparison with last year’s data. From January to March 2017 for each 100 insured vehicles 3.2% were damage and were reported to insurance companies. A year ago the rate was 3.4%.

“It is too early to determine whether this slight change will see a conversion to a permanent trend or whether it is just an aberration” – said Elżbieta Wanat-Połeć, the Insurance Guarantee Fund CEO.

According to her, the lower damage index may have been caused by the fact that drivers do not report damage because they do not want to lose their MTPL discounts. 

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