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Insurers paid almost 20 billion PLN to victims

Insurers paid almost 20 billion PLN to victims

Dodano: 2021-09-24
Publikator: The Polish Insurance Association

Data from the Polish Insurance Association shows that in the first half of 2021, insurers paid out 19.9 billion PLN of insurance claims and benefits to victims. The highest increase in payments under protective life insurance was a result of higher mortality caused by the pandemic.

9.3 billion PLN which the insurers paid out to the victims was from life insurance, 7.4 billion PLN from motor insurance (MTPL + CDW), and about 3.2 billion PLN from other insurance. 34.4 billion PLN is the amount that Poles spent on insurance. Insurers placed almost 86.4 billion PLN in bonds and other fixed-income securities supporting the economy and public finances.

The largest part of indemnities in property insurance is motor insurance. Compensations and benefits under the obligatory third-party liability of vehicle owners, which amounted to 4.6 billion PLN, were higher by 1.8 per cent than last year. Indemnities from motor insurance amounted to PLN 2.8 billion which is a result by 4.7 per cent higher than a year before.

At the end of the first half of this year insurers paid PLN 665 million of income tax to the state budget. The net profit generated by them in that period amounted to PLN 2.7 billion, which is 29 percent less than last year.

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