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Jakub Papuga is to join the TUW PZUW Board

Jakub Papuga is to join the TUW PZUW Board

Dodano: 2018-01-30

The TUW PZUW Supervision Board decided to appoint Jakub Papuga as a member of the company board from 1 February 2018. He will be responsible for risk management so his nomination has to be approved by the Financial Supervisory Authority (KNF).

Jakub Papuga is a graduate in mathematics of AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow. He was also educated at the European Center for Advanced Research in Economics and Statistics (ECARES) at Universite Libre de Bruxelles in Belgium.

He has been working in PZU for 6 years as a specialist in risk management. He took part in the project of Solvency II implementation in the company. He was also responsible for cooperation with insurance and banking companies in PZU Groups.

This appointment extends the TUW PZUW board to 4 members. From 1 February 2018 it will consist of: Rafał Kiliński (CEO) and board members: Aneta Zawistowska, Katarzyna Łubkowska and Jakub Papuga.

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