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Katowice at the centre of the debate on the future of the economy in Poland, Europe and the world

Katowice at the centre of the debate on the future of the economy in Poland, Europe and the world

Dodano: 2017-05-16

“We are not afraid of large public investments; our ambition is not just to catch up with the West, but to overtake it”, declared Mateusz Morawiecki, Minister of Development and Finance, during a panel session held on the first day of the European Economic Congress (EEC) in Katowice. The 9th edition of the largest business event in Central Europe is serving again as a platform for inspiring encounters and multilateral dialogue on a continental scale.

The chief themes of the European Economic Congress 2017 in Katowice include energy, industry, climate, the healthcare market, cybersecurity, global expansion, and start-ups. Over the three days of the largest business event in Central Europe, 132 debates will be held, as well as a number of accompanying events.

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