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KNF: reporting obligations of financial institutions towards the Financial Ombudsman

KNF: reporting obligations of financial institutions towards the Financial Ombudsman

Dodano: 2016-06-20
Publikator: Polish Financial Supervision Authority

The Polish Financial Supervision Authority (KNF) announced that it has received a letter from the Financial Ombudsman, in which the Ombudsman raised doubts as to the correctness and transparency of the data provided to the Ombudsman by the financial market entities within the performance of an obligation under the provision of art. 33 of the Act of 5 August 2015 on handling complaints by  financial market entities and the Financial Ombudsman. The Ombudsman drew attention to the discrepancy of these data with the number of notifications received by the Ombudsman from  clients.

The Ombudsman also informed that some of the financial market entities have no knowledge of the aforementioned obligation to provide the Ombudsman with data on complaints and claims from clients, as well as that part of the obliged entities who did not provide the requested data to the Financial Ombudsman.

The KNF points out that the financial market entities should be aware of the legal provisions governing their activity, as well as of the obligations imposed thereby, and that these obligations should be performed. In case of any doubt as to how to properly perform the above mentioned obligations, financial institutions should refer the matter to the Financial Ombudsman. The KNF indicates that it is important to ensure that the data provided to the Ombudsman are transparent and reliable.

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