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Kris Jabłoński appointed as Board Member of Crawford Polska

Kris Jabłoński appointed as Board Member of Crawford Polska

Dodano: 2019-12-03

Crawford Polska has appointed Krzysztof Jabłoński as a Board Member and local Officer. He started performing his new duties on 4 November 2019.

Jabłoński is responsible for the expansion and operational side of Broadspire business in the Polish market and also supporting the local board of directors in everyday business operations.

Jabłoński has more than 20 years of experience in the insurance/reinsurance markets. He has  specialized in claims management and outsourcing solutions. Prior to joining Crawford Polska, Jabłoński served as a Board Member of the local Van Ameyde office in Poland and Managing Director to Van Ameyde Central and Eastern Europe, where he led the operational management and business development functions. He began his career working as a broker and later with responsibilities in underwriting on both insurance and reinsurance sides of the industry. He also has wide experience in management of outsourcing business for mass claims and IT solutions.

„We are growing our expansion and strengthening our position in today’s market for both Crawford and Broadspire lines and Kris’ appointment is an important step towards completing this course of action. We believe that with Kris’ experience we can elevate Crawford Poland into a new era meeting the growing expectations of customers. We would like to warmly welcome Kris in Crawford Polska”, says Mike Jones, the President of European Operations at Crawford & Company.


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