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Managing Insurance Contracts under IFRS 17

Managing Insurance Contracts under IFRS 17

Dodano: 2017-09-26

This executive Marcus Evans meeting will bring together industry leaders working with IFRS 17 to discuss the first steps firms are taking to prepare for the new accounting rules. It will address the plans that firms are putting in place before the implementation with particular focus on the models required and the policy options firms are taking. It will address what these options will mean in terms of its business implications and the outcome of the impact studies firms have been carrying out.

Managing Insurance Contracts under IFRS 17 takes place on 4th – 5th December 2017 in London. is a media partner of Managing Insurance Contracts under IFRS 17.

Attending this conference will enable you to:

  • discover what the new accounting standards require and the project planning insurers can do now to prepare
  • see what decisions insurers are taking for policy options and what the BBA model will mean for their firm
  • gain examples of how insurance firms are collating quality data and updating systems to align with the IFRS 17
  • understand the business implications of the IFRS 17 and how this can be communicated to business lines

For beinsured’s subscribers we have a special offer.

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