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Meeting of Banking and Insurance Leaders 2018

Meeting of Banking and Insurance Leaders 2018

Dodano: 2018-04-24

On 10-11 April 2018 the Meeting of Banking and Insurance Leaders took place, composed of: XV Banking Forum, XI Insurance Forum and VII Grand Gala – Leaders of the Banking and Insurance World. The event was an occasion to exchange knowledge, experience and discuss the future of the financial market. The conference was attended by key representatives of the banking and insurance sectors, central administration and the most important service and solution providers of these sectors.

The Meeting of Leaders started with the joint part of the Banking Forum and Insurance Forum. The role of Guest of Honor was filled by Dr Korbinian Ibel, Managing Director – Microprudential Supervision, European Central Bank. The speakers debated over the triangle of banks – insurers – fintechs, and discussed the possibility of cooperation between these three important sectors.

Later on, the Banking Forum discussed the new regulations on the market and about entering into the cashless era. During the Insurance Forum, topics discussed include bancassurance and the influence which will come with legal regulation – or if it is already time to start deregulating the market.

The second day was about topics such as consolidation of the banking sector and the threats for banks from technological giants and fintechs. The insurance part of the forum started with a debate about a modern retirement system and comparisons between PPK and PPE. They also discussed the practical aspect of cooperation between insurers and start-ups. The day ended with a discussion about the newest technological trends for the sector, in which representatives of a few insurance companies and suppliers took part.

In the Meeting of Banking and Insurance Leaders, those who took part include: Piotr Czublun, Joao Bras Jorge, Krzysztof Charchuła, Rafał Hiszpański,  Leszek Skiba and Anna Włodarczyk-Moczkowska.

The conclusion of the spring edition of the Banking and Insurance Forums was the VII Grand Gala – Leaders of the Banking and Insurance World, during which the individual Competition Jury, composed of recognized authorities from the sector, rewarded people and institutions for specific achievements in 2017. Source:

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