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Members of the Polish Chamber of Compensation Consultants and Agents – twelve years under Compensas protection

Members of the Polish Chamber of Compensation Consultants and Agents – twelve years under Compensas protection

Dodano: 2021-11-18
Publikator: Polish Chamber of Compensation Advisers and Intermediaries

On November 1, PIDiPO together with Compensa Insurance Association began another year of professional liability insurance coverage. The initiative is already in its twelfth year.

Under the general agreement between the Polish Chamber of Compensation Consultants and Agents and Compensa Insurance Association, the twelfth year of unique insurance protection for PIDiPO members has begun. Its aim is primarily the financial security of members of the Chamber and recipients of their services. Customers choosing a compensation consultant with liability insurance, protect themselves against the effects of personal injury, property damage, and pure financial loss, which arose in connection with the activities of compensation consultants. The upper limit of the guarantee sum offered to compensation consultants is up to 2,000,000.00 PLN.

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