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Mobile terminal

Mobile terminal

Dodano: 2022-07-07
Publikator: press release

According to current regulations, with the beginning of this year, businesses should allow customers at least one cashless payment method of their choice. Cashless payments can be successfully accepted while using your own smartphone or tablet.

In order for a device to become a mobile terminal, all you need is an application for accepting payments – SoftPOS. The solution allows you to accept contactless payments using the device on which it is installed. In practice, this means that entrepreneurs do not need to have a separate terminal, so that all electronic transactions are handled on the same basis and in accordance with applicable laws.

The use of SoftPOS is secure and does not involve restrictions for the customer. He can pay for purchases or services with any instrument – phone, watch or card. Each transaction above the amount of PLN 100 requires entering a PIN code. After completing the operation, the customer receives an electronic confirmation.

The applications replace the terminal, so there is no need to have an additional device in the company. In addition – just like a mobile terminal – SoftPOS allows you to accept payments regardless of time and place. Therefore, you can take it with you, for example, to a business meeting or conference. The device will prove especially useful in „mobile” professions requiring contact with the customer, such as services provided at the customer’s home.

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