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mojePZU makes online payment services available through operator Tpay

mojePZU makes online payment services available through operator Tpay

Dodano: 2022-11-03

Thanks to the close cooperation between PZU, Pekao and Tpay, more than three mln users of the mojePZU platform will gain access to the new online payment system – both in the mobile app and on the website.

Tpay and Bank Pekao are providing PZU with online payment services, e.g. integration with PZU’s payment gateway, which makes it possible to pay for an order without leaving the website, payments by online bank transfers (pay-by-link), BLIK and acceptance of card payments.

In addition, the mojePZU platform allows you to:

  • Submit the claim on your own, without leaving your home,
  • check the status of the claim,
  • purchase property or life insurance,
  • arrange an examination or a doctor’s appointment,
  • invest savings.

This is what a Tpay representative says about the cooperation – „Thanks to the synergies developed, together we are unprecedentedly combining on- and offline activities, developing returns to scale. Among the benefits of the cooperation are further business development, scalability to other entities, the convenience and speed of payment that customers could not previously experience.”

The new service is expected to provide security and speed of payment.

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