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More cars registered in Poland

More cars registered in Poland

Dodano: 2018-05-15

Almost 140,000 passenger cars were registered in Poland in the first quarter of this year, 11 percent up on the same period in 2017, according to a report by the Polish Association of the Automotive Industry.

The head of the association, Jakub Faryś, said even though there had been an increase in the number of registrations by individuals, demand from companies was growing faster.

Individual customers register about 35 percent of new cars in Poland, Polish Radio’s IAR news agency reported.

Meanwhile, some 178,000 vehicles rolled off the assembly lines in Poland in the first three months of this year, down 12.1 percent year on year, IAR reported.

In the first quarter of this year, just 340 electric cars (fully electric and hybrid plug-in vehicles) were registered in Poland, 114 percent more than a year ago.

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