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Mystery client from UOKiK in stores selling electronics

Mystery client from UOKiK in stores selling electronics

Dodano: 2019-04-23

During the inspection UOKiK wanted to verify whether and how shop assistants inform clients about their right to file a complaint under the warranty and whether they can distinguish a warranty from a guarantee. For example, a mystery client checked whether the store refused to consider complaints and sent the client back to the producer, or whether they made it dependent on whether the client kept a receipt.

Another issue that mystery shoppers examined was the so-called additional insurance against damage to equipment. Stores offer the so-called “extended guarantee” that has little in common with a guarantee. In fact, it is an additional insurance. Often its terms and conditions contain many exceptions that do not provide full protection to equipment, despite previous assurances from a shop assistant. Therefore, the office staff wanted to check how shop assistants informed about it and whether the purchase of such a service was required.

The inspections took place all over Poland. At present, UOKiK is conducting explanatory proceedings in which it analyses information gathered by mystery clients.

Starting from 2016, employees of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection may act as a mystery client. Thus far, they have used this practice 26 times. This is how UOKiK can check how certain services or products are offered for sale by shop assistants.

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