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Nationale-Nederlanden: more than 60 percent of parents plan to vaccinate their child against COVID-19

Nationale-Nederlanden: more than 60 percent of parents plan to vaccinate their child against COVID-19

Dodano: 2021-09-24
Publikator: press release

According to a recent report from Nationale-Nederlanden, about 70 percent of those surveyed are concerned about the fourth wave of the coronavirus pandemic and the return of learning to remote mode, and more than 30 percent of respondents are worried about their child contracting the virus at school. As a result, more than 60 percent of survey participants plan to vaccinate their children.

On August 13-14, 2021, a survey was conducted on behalf of Nationale-Nederlanden by the Institute for Market and Social Research. According to the survey results, more than 90 percent of those surveyed agree with the statement that schools should already be operating on a full-time basis.

Although respondents are convinced of the need to return to desktop mode, two-thirds are concerned about the safety and digital hygiene of their children. About 60 percent of those surveyed are worried about the occurrence of another wave of coronavirus and the return to distance learning, and therefore, the overuse of electronic devices and the deterioration of students’ mental health.

The Nationale-Nederlanden survey also shows that parents are afraid of their child being infected at school with the virus that causes COVID-19. Because of this, 61 percent of the respondents declared their willingness to vaccinate their children against this disease. At the moment, such a step can only be taken by parents of children over 12 years old.

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