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New chairman of Supervisory Board in the Aviva life insurance company

New chairman of Supervisory Board in the Aviva life insurance company

Dodano: 2019-05-21

Mariusz Grendowicz has become the new chairman of the Supervisory Board in the Aviva life insurance company. He replaced Maurice Tulloch who was appointed as the CEO of Aviva plc in London in March.

Grendowicz has worked in Aviva life insurance company’s supervision board since 2012. He chairs the Risk Committee and Audit Committee. He is also a member of Aviva’s non-life insurance company supervision board.

He commenced his career in the bank sector in London. Later he worked as manager in ING Bank in Warsaw and as vice-president of the bank in Budapest. In 2008-2010 he was the CEO of BRE Bank. 

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