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Obligation to conclude another third party liability car insurance agreement

Obligation to conclude another third party liability car insurance agreement

Dodano: 2022-05-02
Publikator: The Insurance Guarantee Fund

With the expiry of 30 days from the date of conclusion of the contract, border OC insurance expires. This applies to insurance offered free of charge to citizens of Ukraine by some insurers.

In order to ensure insurance continuity, vehicle owners are obliged to conclude a subsequent contract under market conditions.

According to the Law on Compulsory Insurance, any vehicle that has foreign registration plates and enters Poland must have valid third party liability coverage for the motor vehicle owner. For vehicle owners from Ukraine, this means therefore:

– having valid third party liability insurance that has been purchased in Ukraine along with a Green Card,

– concluding a contract for OC border insurance for min. 30 days.

When the 30-day border insurance expires, the citizens of Ukraine who drive vehicles with foreign registrations should buy it again for the mentioned period from 30 days to even 12 months. However, there is another option for all those who plan to stay in Poland longer. They may register their car in Poland and buy a standard third party insurance for 12 months.

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