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Office of Competition and Consumer Protection issues fifth standpoint material to a case

Office of Competition and Consumer Protection issues fifth standpoint material to a case

Dodano: 2016-11-22
Publikator: Office of Competition and Consumer Protection

The Consumer Protection Authority weighs in again on a dispute between consumers and mBank. At issue are unclear contract provisions on the interest and exchange rate calculations that put consumers at risk.

Poland’s Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK) has now issued its standpoint material to a case for the fifth time. It was again called upon to provide its opinion in a dispute between consumers paying mortgages in Swiss francs pegged to the exchange rate and mBank. In a case being heard by the District Court in Lodz, consumers questioned two provisions that too generally describe the reasons the bank may cite to change the interest rate and the rules for determining the exchange rate it uses to calculate mortgage installments. The consumers have demanded that the Court recognize the clauses in question as abusive and lay out the consequences this will involve.

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