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Only 40% of employees of the largest companies participate in PPK

Only 40% of employees of the largest companies participate in PPK

Dodano: 2019-11-26

The Think Tank – Instytut Emerytalny – has published the results of its research about participation in the employer-sponsored pension plans PPK in the largest companies which employ more than 250 people. Only 40% of employees benefit from the program.

Instytut Emerytalny asked entrepreneurs who launched PPK into their organization in the first tranche (since 1 July 2019 to 25 October) to provide information about the number of their staff members and workers who decided to stay in the retirement program. Ultimately, 1.5% of the largest companies took part in the research. 

The first conclusion of the audit is that the level of participation in the employer-sponsored pension plans is divided. It was estimated between 6% and 95%. However the majority of the surveyed organizations have participation on the level of 20%-69%. So the researchers estimated that the average participation level amounted to 40%. The Polish government assumed that this value would achieve 75%.

In the report the financial institutions with the largest number of PPK agreements conducted with firms were mentioned. According to the publication the significant market share belongs to: PZU TFI, PKO TFI, Aviva TFI, Pekao TFI, NN Investment Partners and AXA TFI.

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