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P4 introduces insurance products for gamers

P4 introduces insurance products for gamers

Dodano: 2018-05-02

Polish mobile operator P4, operating under the brand Play, has introduced new insurance products dedicated to gamers.

Customers can choose from two options. One of them is the insurance of their hardware. Gamers can insure their gaming equipment: computers, consoles, earphones and other accessories: steering wheels, pistols. Equipment can be insured within the 90 days since date of purchase. The premium amounts to PLN 4.99 (for a basic protection) or PLN 19.90 (for an expanded protection).

The second new insurance product from Play Insurance protects against hacker attacks and malware. Premiums amount to PLN 1.99 (with coverage up to PLN 300) or for PLN 6.99 (with coverage up to PLN 800). 

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