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Penalty for not having a mandatory policy for skiers

Penalty for not having a mandatory policy for skiers

Dodano: 2021-11-29

In Italy, insurance has been made mandatory for skiers and snowboarders. Lack of an insurance policy will result in a fine of up to 150 euros and the loss of a ski pass.

From January 1, 2022, tourists coming to the Italian slopes should be covered by mandatory insurance. A daily policy will cost about 2.5 euros. There is also an option to buy insurance for the whole season for about 46 euros.

Skiers and snowboarders who take out a travel insurance policy in Poland before going on vacation are exempt from the insurance obligation. The only requirement is third-party liability coverage. Travelers who take out a standard travel insurance policy from a Polish insurer are covered for medical expenses and third-party liability in private life. This means they don’t have to worry about buying insurance when they get to the slopes.

Interestingly, buying insurance cover in Poland is still more cost-effective than buying a policy in Italy. If we consider the average sum insured, the approximate difference is 20-30 percent.

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