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Penalty for prohibited clauses

Penalty for prohibited clauses

Dodano: 2019-08-20

The Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK) received complaints about UPC Polska unilaterally turning off certain channels and increasing its subscription fees.

Therefore, the President of UOKiK analysed the T&Cs and contractual templates and issued a decision finding the clauses used by UPC Polska to be prohibited. The penalty for the use of prohibited clauses amounted to almost PLN 33 million (PLN 32,858,511).

The President of UOKiK ordered UPC Polska to inform its consumers about the decision and to reimburse fees resulting from subscription increases or unjustified technician callouts. The entity should also restore cancelled TV channels to customers if they are still available in its offer. The decision is not legally binding.

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