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PIA: Insurance belongs to crisis management strategy

PIA: Insurance belongs to crisis management strategy

Dodano: 2018-12-18

The Polish Insurance Association (PIA) and Deloitte have prepared the report ‘Climate change. How may prevention and insurance reduce the impact of natural disaster impact on the environment?’. 

Climate changes are connected with increasing energy consumption. We use more and more energy eg. for air conditioning. Extreme weather conditions such as storms or strong wind are a serious danger to the infrastructure. They may cause blackouts – a break in electricity supply to one of the country’s regions.

“In the report we estimated that if in Poland a cyberattack or extreme weather condition causes an 8-hour break in electricity supply, the failure cost will amount to PLN 2.6 bln”, said Jan Prądzyński, the PIA president.

“Insurance is an element of crisis management, but it cannot replace that. Prevention, data collection and analyses are the most important” Pradzyński explained.      

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