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PIA opens its agency in Brussels

PIA opens its agency in Brussels

Dodano: 2019-03-12

On 1 March 2019 the Polish Insurance Association opened its agency in Brussels. Its aim is active participation in legislative procedures on the European level. Thanks to that the interests of Polish insurance entities will be represented while creating EU insurance law.

The agency is managed by Iwona Szczęsna. She has extending experience. She worked in EIOPA and the Polish Financial Supervision Authority as a manager of International Cooperation in the scope of the insurance and pension funds market. 

“The PIA was strengthened by Iwona Szczęsna with rich experience in the international cooperation area. It is very important in our time when more and more regulations are created outside Poland. So we must observe the work of the biggest European institutions“, said Jan Grzegorz Prądzyński, Polish Insurance Association CEO.

I am glad that our domestic market will have its permanent representative in Brussels. It is an honour for me and a possibility to provide support for the Polish trade self-government out of concern for interests of the Polish market”, explained Iwona Szczęsna. 

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