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PKO BP bank earned PLN 723 mln after 2019

PKO BP bank earned PLN 723 mln after 2019

Dodano: 2020-02-18

The Polish largest bank by assets PKO BP posted PLN 723 mln in Q4 attributable net profit, beating market expectations for a PLN 658.9 mln.

Bank PKO BP may recommend paying out half of its 2019 profit as well as unallocated 2018 profit as dividend, CEO Zbigniew Jagiello said in a letter to shareholders accompanying the FY 2019 results.

„The Management Board will consider recommending to the General Shareholders’ Meeting paying out part of that [2018] profit together with one-half of the profit for 2019,” Jagiello wrote, reminding that PLN 1.67 bln of the 2018 earnings remained undivided, and is therefore available for disbursement in 2020.

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