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PKO BP plans to sell motor insurance via its mobile app in Q1 2019

PKO BP plans to sell motor insurance via its mobile app in Q1 2019

Dodano: 2018-11-06

PKO Bank Polska is launching a new function on its mobile application IKO – sale of motor insurance. The bank will offer MTPL insurance, assistance services and car insurance.

In September 2018 PKO in cooperation with insurance companies started to sell motor insurance in 400 of the bank’s branches. PKO BP distributes insurance from such insurers as Benefia, Proama, Interrisk, Link4 and PKO Ubezpieczenia. A client can compose a packet of products from different insurers in one transaction.

The bank plans to distribute insurance via its mobile application iKO and its electronic banking system iPKO. The start is planned in Q1 2109. PKO BP also wants to launch a videoverification. Due to this service a client may open bank account without an appointment in a bank branch.  

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