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PKO Ubezpieczenia sold the first motor insurance products

PKO Ubezpieczenia sold the first motor insurance products

Dodano: 2019-12-03

PKO Ubezpieczenia has started the sale of motor insurance. It means that a new entity has entered  the Polish motor insurance sector. It is the 30th insurance company with an insurance offer to vehicle owners.

On 23rd April 2019 during the 17th Financial Supervision Authority meeting, PKO Ubezpieczenia has given consent to broaden its business activity to car insurance products and motor TPL insurance.     

PKO Ubezpieczenia is a part of the state-owned Polish bank group. The company functions in the bancassurance sector. It sells its product to bank’s clients. PKO Ubezpieczenia plans to increase its market share consistently to become a top market insurer in Poland.

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