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Poland planning tweaks to credit risk rules

Poland planning tweaks to credit risk rules

Dodano: 2020-02-25

Poland may tweak credit risk provisioning rules for Polish banks as part of a five-point update to local recommendations, the director of the Regulation Development Department at the Financial Supervision Authority said.

The Polish Financial watchdog will create rules creating greater automatism in provisioning without taking any responsibility away from the management board or, in part, the supervisory board, KNF director Kamil Liberadzki said in an interview for the portal interia. pl.

The KNF is now in the „final stages of consultations” and hopes to have the new rules approved mid-year and in place after vacatio legis, he indicated.

An update to the rules on interest rate risk will relate to the smooth introduction of fixed-rate mortgages, an update to rules governing the use of a real-estate database for home loan valuations, and an update to rules governing sales of derivatives, he indicated.

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