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Poland with the biggest market share in the CEE region

Poland with the biggest market share in the CEE region

Dodano: 2019-07-23

According to the XPrimm publication, the CEE insurance market was worth EUR 10.1 billion at the end of March 2019, 2% more than a year before. The biggest part of the market belongs to the Polish market.

As the publication shows, the largest regional markets in terms of GWP remain Poland (EUR 3.8 billion, 37.6% market share) followed by the Czech Republic (EUR 1.6 billion, 16%) and Hungary (EUR 986 million, 9.7%).

Life insurance classes generated about EUR 3.2 billion, 5.3% less y/y, due to decreases reported in the largest regional markets as GWP: Poland (-9.7%) and the Czech Republic (-16.3%).

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