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Polish bancassurance market in Q1 2018

Polish bancassurance market in Q1 2018

Dodano: 2018-06-12
Publikator: Polish Insurance Association

The Polish Insurance Association has published a report about the bancassurance market in Poland after Q1 2018. 

In Q1 life insurance companies earned PLN 5.7 bln in premiums, 29.3% of this amount they received in the bancassurance channel. A year ago the share of BA in the life sector was 39.3%. The drop is connected with a lower number of sold insurance policies in Q1 2018 in comparison with data from Q1 2017. At the end of March 2018 life insurance companies sold 7.7 mln life policies.

Better results are noticed in the P&C market. After Q1 2018 insurers earned PLN 10.6 bln in premiums. It is PLN 0.8 bln more than a year ago. The amount PLN 0.47 bln (4.4%) was earned by selling insurance products in banks. A year ago the share of BA premium was 3.8%.

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