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Polish bancassurance sector in 2018. Sale of unit-linked products dropped 

Polish bancassurance sector in 2018. Sale of unit-linked products dropped 

Dodano: 2019-04-02

The Polish Insurance Association has published its report about the bancassurance sector in Poland after Q4 2018. According to the publication, a declining tendency of gross written premiums in the BA sector continues.

In 2018 banks received PLN 7.6 bln premiums – 12.2% of all GWP received by insurers in 2018. In 2017 it was PLN 10.2 bln (16.3%). Decreasing of GWP appeared only in the life insurance sale via banks. It related especially to unit-linked products. In 2018 banks received PLN 3.3 bln premiums. This is PLN 2.9 bln less than a year before.

A small growth of GWP is observable in the P&C sector. The premium increased from PLN 1.64 bln in 2017 to PLN 1.95 bln in 2018. Growths related to: accidents and illness insurance, transport insurance and TPL insurance.

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