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Polish car insurance market in 2017

Polish car insurance market in 2017

Dodano: 2018-04-10

Last year Polish insurers earned almost PLN 440 mln profits in the car insurance segment. Gained insurance premium amounted to PLN 7.5 bln.

The specialists from the insurance platform to compare insurance products prepared an analysis of the Polish car insurance market. According to this, last year insurance companies achieved a record premium from car insurance sales. It amounted to PLN 7.65 bln (PLN 1 bln more than at the end of 2016).

In 2017 insurance companies noted the growth of car insurance sale volume. Polish insurers sold 6.45 mln policies. According to the analysts the increase is connected with the new car sale growth in Poland last year.

In 2017 car insurance prices also increased. According to the Polish Financial Supervision Authority data, in 2017 the average cost of one policy amounted to PLN 1,187. It means growth by 12% compared to 2016. So in 2017 insurers earned by sale of these products PLN 0.44 bln.

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