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Polish Competition Authority approves PKO Leasing concentration bid

Polish Competition Authority approves PKO Leasing concentration bid

Dodano: 2016-11-22
Publikator: Office of Competition and Consumer Protection

Determining the transaction will not limit competition, Poland’s Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK) okays PKO Leasing to acquire Raiffeisen Leasing Poland.

UOKiK received the acquisition application on 17 October 2016. A subsidiary of the PKO BP Group, PKO Leasing provides financial and operating leasing, offering products and services for small and medium enterprises, corporations and other clients.

Raiffeisen Leasing Poland is engaged in leasing and financial lending, and belongs to a group controlled by Raiffeisen Zentralbank Österreich.

Under the terms of the transaction, PKO Leasing will acquire all shares in the share capital of Raiffeisen Leasing Poland. UOKiK’s proceedings revealed no competition concerns. PKO Leasing’s total share of the leasing market will not exceed 20 percent.

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