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Polish Development Fund CEO: Poland could have 6-7 universal banks in a few years

Polish Development Fund CEO: Poland could have 6-7 universal banks in a few years

Dodano: 2018-02-13

Poland’s banking sector could consolidate to some 6-7 universal banks under pressures of tightened regulations, leaving remaining players to fill niche roles, the Polish Development Fund CEO Pawel Borys stated.

„Due to a string of regulations, banking has become more and more difficult and less profitable,” Borys told the conference. „In a few years’ time, Poland will have several large, universal banks and some smaller, specialized banks.”

The universal bank count could fall to the 6 to 7 mark should the EU succeed in crafting its full banking union, Borys said of what he considered an informal consensus of his peers amongst western banking strategists.

Poland, as one of Europe’s bigger countries, should strive to put one of its banks amongst European banks with an EU-wide scope, he added.

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