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Polish drivers will drive without having to carry their MTPL policy and registration document

Polish drivers will drive without having to carry their MTPL policy and registration document

Dodano: 2018-07-10

From 1 October 2018 Polish drivers will be exempted from the obligation to carry a vehicle registration document and MTPL policy.

In May the Polish Parliament supported an amendment to the Road Traffic Act. The act came into force on 4 June 2018, but the date of application the rule about driving without documents was announced by the Minister of Digitalisation.

According to the new law, from 1 October drivers will be obliged to have only their driver’s license during a traffic inspection. The authorities (police or the inspectors of road transport) will be able to check this data in the Central Register of Vehicles and Drivers.

The new rules will not apply to vehicles registered outside the country. The owners of such vehicles will still have to carry all their documents, including a vehicle registration certificate and an insurance policy.

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