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Polish financial system functions in a stable manner; level of risks seen not significantly changed

Polish financial system functions in a stable manner; level of risks seen not significantly changed

Dodano: 2017-12-12
Publikator: National Bank of Poland

Poland’s financial system continues to function in a stable manner, aided by favorable domestic economic conditions, but some risks remain, the central bank said in its semi-annual review of financial sector stability.

„Poland’s financial system is functioning in a stable manner, and the intensity of risks to financial stability has not changed substantially,” the authors said of conditions since the prior June publication. Domestic macro conditions favour stable functioning of financial institutions with the economy not showing major imbalances, the report reads. Corporate and debt remains moderate, while growing household consumption and rising investment activity of the public sector contributed to GDP growth acceleration in H1. However, risk „stemming from the external environment of the [Polish] economy remains at an elevated level,” the authors wrote.

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