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Polish GDP to grow 3.3 % in 2017 – IMF

Polish GDP to grow 3.3 % in 2017 – IMF

Dodano: 2017-01-24

Poland’s GDP is expected to grow by 3.3 percent in 2017 with average yearly inflation reaching 1 percent, the International Monetary Fund said in a report on Poland’s access to the flexible credit line.

According to the IMF, higher growth will result mainly from a rebound of public investment stimulated by quicker absorption of EU funds as well as continued strong private consumption supported by an improved situation on the labour market, higher wages and the government 500+ family benefit programme, the authors of the December report wrote.

In its October World Economic Outlook, the IMF forecasted 3.4 percent GDP growth in Poland. The IMF expects inflation to reach 1.5 percent at the end of 2017.

According to the Fund, Poland’s rate setter, the Monetary Policy Council should not change interest rates in 2017.

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