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Polish insurers plan 25.6% increase in net profits in 2017 to PLN 5.25 bln

Polish insurers plan 25.6% increase in net profits in 2017 to PLN 5.25 bln

Dodano: 2017-05-04

Polish insurers are estimating an almost 26% increase in net profits to PLN 5.25 bln in 2017 thanks to a strong rebound in insurance profits in the property and casualty (P&C) line, Poland’s financial market regulator KNF said of the forecasts provided to the regulator by insurers.

Life insurers expect the decline in gross written premiums to slow amid gains for regular premium savings products and health insurance, authors claimed.

The P&C market should grow by some 1.75% at the top line, driven by gains in the corporate and SME segments, the report notes. Automotive premiums will rise, albeit at a slower rate than in 2016, authors wrote.

The industry should end 2017 with a minimal capital requirement at 778.2% and a solvency capital requirement at 246.1%, the report showed.

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