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Polish insurers raise 34.5% of Q3 life insurance gross written premium via bancassurance

Polish insurers raise 34.5% of Q3 life insurance gross written premium via bancassurance

Dodano: 2018-01-02
Publikator: Polish Insurance Association

Polish insurers slightly increased the share of bancassurance channel sales in total gross written premium collected in the life insurance segment in Q3 to 34.5% of PLN 18.3 bln from 34.3% of PLN 17.8 bln in the prior year period, a report by the insurance sector organisation – Polish Insurance Association – shows.

The respective figure in the property & personal insurance segment fell to 4.5% of PLN 27.9 bln from 5.5% of PLN 23.1 bln a year earlier.

Life insurance sales via bancassurance climbed to PLN 6.3 bln in Q3 from PLN 6.1 bln a year earlier while property & personal insurance sales in this channel edged down to PLN 1.25 bln from PLN 1.28 bln.

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