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Polish unit-linked market decreased by PLN 10 bln within 2 years

Polish unit-linked market decreased by PLN 10 bln within 2 years

Dodano: 2019-09-10

At the end of June 2019 the assets of unit-linked products decreased. Their value was near PLN 50 bln. The declining tendency has been observed in this sector for two years.

In 2017 the market recorded a peak. The funds’ assets valued near PLN 59 bln. At the end of June 2019 their value decreased by PLN 10 bln. As market specialists explained, the drop is an effect of fund withdrawals by insurers’ clients.

In the first half of 2019 the largest market share belonged to Aviva. The insurer managed assets whose value was near PLN 13 bln. Moreover the entity recorded a growth of premiums in H1 2019. Three insurance companies (Open Life, PZU and Nationale-Nederlanden) managed assets valued more than PLN 5 bln.

Most insurance companies recorded a decline of gross premium written in the unit-linked sector. The largest appeared in ERGO Hestia. The insurer received PLN 0.3bln less than a year before. Declines of GWP also were recorded by TU Europa, Generali and Open Life.

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