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Politicians will fight against saving insurance policies and CHF loans

Politicians will fight against saving insurance policies and CHF loans

Dodano: 2016-04-25

Jarosław Kaczyński gave an interview for “wSieci” magazine where among other things he addressed issues of saving insurance policies and CHF loans.

According to Kaczyński it is National Bank of Poland which should get involved in the matter of solving saving insurance policies and CHF loans problems. He also pointed out that international companies are aware of the fact that in the state where the rule of law prevails – illegal actions are punished.

“It will be a serious operation, where financial soundness must be taken into consideration, but which must be able to be executed completely. National Bank of Poland will have to take part in it. And to be clear: I’m not talking only about CHF loans – which trapped tens of thousands of Polish families, and which became a form of a modern slavery. The issue of saving insurance policies, which affected 5 million of Polish People and which took away 50 billion of zloties from their pockets – must also be solved” – said Jarosław Kaczyński in his interview for “wSieci” magazine. “People shouldn’t be deceived, and it is an obligation of the state to protect the people against usury and exploitation. And I promise, that regardless of resistance and lamentations – probably even I our camp – we will free Polish people from this slavery.” – added Kaczyński.

The president of PiS also referred to a bill on restoration of equal rights of parties of CHF loans, prepared by the President of Poland. The bill was criticized by Financial Supervision Commission. According to KNF’s estimation, due to disadvantageous regulations, the banks would have to bear approximately 60 billions zloties of losses, and some of them would even go bankrupt. President’s bill was criticized by financial experts as well, who agree that propositions prepared by the Office of President pose a threat not only to the proper functioning of the banking system but to the economy of the state as well. Their point of view is shared by Marek Belka, President of the National Bank of Poland.

Recently a team of experts was set up to work on the new version of bill on CHF loans. The new bill is expected to be ready between May and June.

On the same day, in an interview for ISBnews, Jan Szewczak – a Vice-Chairman of the Public Account Committee said that he does not exclude a possibility of appointing an investigative commission examining abusive practices related to saving insurance policies and CHF loans.

“If it is estimated that in the trap of CHF loans there are approximately 700,000 people with the amount of 138 billions of zloties, in the case of saving insurance policies, there was 4 million people trapped with the amount of 50 billion zloties.”

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