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Position of the Office of the KNF on the use of cloud computing services by supervised entities

Position of the Office of the KNF on the use of cloud computing services by supervised entities

Dodano: 2018-04-24
Publikator: Polish Financial Supervision Authority

The Office of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (UKNF) has presented its position on the specific nature of the use of cloud computing by supervised entities.

The position was created with respect to the fast technological progress and the increasingly common access to cloud computing services as well as the needs reported by supervised entities.

The position presented applies to the public and shared model of processing data containing legally protected information by means of cloud computing as well as components of a hybrid cloud of similar nature.

In the opinion KNF Office, cloud computing services constitute entrustment of service provision and thus they are subject to applicable laws governing the respective financial services sector.

The UKNF position is available on the portal.

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