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President of the Personal Data Protection Office asked PZU about data processing

President of the Personal Data Protection Office asked PZU about data processing

Dodano: 2019-06-11

The President of the Personal Data Protection Office has informed that the institution is analysing personal data processing in PZU in connection with the insurer’s offer for children.

PZU prepared a special offer for children. The company will provide insurance protection for free if children’s personal data is put on an online form and consent to the process is given. The offer is addressed to people under 18 years old and students under 25. The insurance protection is provided in the term from 20 June to 1 September. 

Parents lodged complaints about this program to the Personal Data Protection Office. They underlined that the consent to data processing was also given to the company’s partners.

In connection with these complaints the President of the Office asked PZU to explain about the scope of personal data processing in the special holiday offer. 

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