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Prudential: Poles do not realize how long a retirement life can last

Prudential: Poles do not realize how long a retirement life can last

Dodano: 2019-08-06

Prudential published research on Poles’ attitudes towards financial issues, saving for the future, security for themselves and / or their families. A special area of ​​interest for the Prudential is pensions and Poles’ attitude to saving and saving for their future.

According to the published data, 47% of us think that we will spend only a few years retired. Only 13% of Poles say that it can be 20 years or more. This small group of respondents may be closer to the truth than most. According to the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) data, the average period of receiving retirement benefits is over 18 years (including 20 years and 3 months for women).

According to current data and demographic forecasts, the expected life expectancy is extending. In addition, the growing awareness of health care, a higher standard of living, and progress in medicine all contribute to the lengthening of time spent in retirement. Thus, for the current „Young Gods” (today 30-40 years old), the pension may last even longer than 20 years.

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