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PZU Health Individual Offer

PZU Health Individual Offer

Dodano: 2021-12-14
Publikator: press release

PZU Health offers medical and preventive packages for individual customers. The offerings can be purchased as subscriptions and prepaid service bundles.

„PZU Health’s strategy for 2021-2024, announced in May, involves a strong entry into the individual customer segment. The pandemic has made Poles more and more forward-thinking about health and interested in it not only when there is already an illness or other medical problem. Now it is important that this is followed by concrete action. According to the survey which was the basis for the creation of the PZU Życie „Your Impact on Your Life” compendium, 8 out of 10 Poles are convinced that it is worth taking care of one’s health, but 1 out of 5 does not have preventive screenings and many others have them too rarely. I am convinced that our new offer will motivate Poles to take positive action and help them take better care of their own and their loved ones’ health”, says Anna Janiczek, CEO of PZU Zdrowie.

According to PZU Zdrowie, the individual medical and preventive packages are intended primarily for professionals who are not insured by their employer, but who want to consult a doctor or undergo preventive health testing. You can purchase the package for yourself as well as for your family members through the mojePZU portal. It also allows the customers to make an appointment with a doctor, teleconsultation, or examination and check the results.

Subscriptions to PZU Zdrowie medical packages are available in the following ranges: mini, basic, extended, and comprehensive. The last one includes unlimited in-person consultations with doctors from 24 specialties, telemedicine from 30 specialties, over 360 types of diagnostic tests, 30 rehabilitation treatments, as well as a 40 percent discount on dental services.

PZU Zdrowie preventive packages are offered in the form of medical consultation and examination sets. Individual customers can choose packages targeted at specific health areas or general health checks for men and women. Preventive packages can also be purchased as a gift for another person.

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