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PZU launched a new version of its online platform for claims settlement

PZU launched a new version of its online platform for claims settlement

Dodano: 2018-04-10

PZU has launched a new mobile platform to report motor and property damages. Platform modernization was preceded by market research. According to the research results clients expect simple processes and fewer complicated questions.

“It is a completely new quality on the Polish insurance market. The system is friendly and uncomplicated. We adapt to modern Poles’ life style. They appreciate time saving and convenience. Damage registration in the service is simple, intuitive and takes less than 5 minutes”, says Roman Pałac, PZU Życie CEO.

“We abandoned redundant formalities. Why do we ask our clients about their data again? Additionally, we have the courage to propose a solution in which a client estimates the damage value by himself without conducting a traditional visual inspection. Several minutes after registration a user obtains a proposed compensation sum and if he agrees with the amount, compensation is directly paid by the insurer”, explains Grzegorz Goluch, damages and benefits services managing director in PZU.

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